Heisman Hopefuls Bryce Young, C.J. Stroud and Aidan Hutchinson Discuss Their “Drip” ahead of Saturday Night’s Ceremony

“I like to think at the University of Alabama our practice facility is like a fashion show – people come with it.” – Crimson Tide Quarterback Bryce Young NEW YORK, NY. — Friday afternoon at the Marquis Marriott in Times Square, three of the four Heisman hopefuls gathered to chat with the media about their hopes […]
Jameis Winston Takes Heisman By Wide Margin

By: Danny Morales Jameis Winston became the youngest winner of the Heisman Trophy on Saturday when he was awarded the honor at during the Heisman Trophy presentation in New York. Winston won the award by a large margin, beating out second place vote getter A.J. McCarron by 1,501 points, making this the fifth largest margin […]