NFL Play 60 Kids Day All The Rave On Wednesday at Miami Beach Convention Center

MIAMI, Fla. – Wednesday local schools were invited to bring students out to the Miami Beach Convention Center to enjoy the Super Bowl Experience. Kinds started flowing in at 10:00 am on school busses and were greeted by friendly volunteers at the door.

Upon entrance, they were presented with an NFL Play 60 Kids Day t-shirt. They were welcomed inside the main halls of the convention center where they were greeted by more friendly volunteers as well as the Kansas City Chiefs Cheerleaders and the team mascot, K.C. Wolf.

They then packed up goodie bags and were then given the run of the house of the Super Bowl Experience presented by Lowes. They were able to participate in activations that had them put on helmets, pads and an NFL jersey and race with their classmates. Also, amongst the events was a field goal experience, punting, passing and more.

The event was completely free for the student and was a part of the NFL’s initiative to encourage kids to play for 60 minutes a day. The hope is to instill the mindset of an active lifestyle at a young age to live a healthy life. The Play 60 event ran from 10:00 am through 1:00 pm, and included a healthy lunch for the kids to enjoy, consisting of fruit, and turkey, chicken, and ham sandwiches.

NFL Play 60 Kids Day at NFL Experince

Wednseday was NFL Play 60 Kids Day at the NFL Experience! Kids for local area schools got a chance to come out to the NFL Experience at the Miami Convention center for a fun day of games. Before they started their Play 60 adventure, all the kids packed up gift bags. K.C. Wolf and the Chiefs Cheerleaders were on hand for the event!

Posted by The SkyBoat on Wednesday, January 29, 2020

NFL’s Super Bowl Experience is open to the public for the rest of Super Bowl week Thursday from 3-10 pm, and on Friday and Saturday from 10 am to 10 pm. You can find out more information about the Super Bowl Experience 2020 here.

Written by Adrian Beecher

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